Weather pages: Melbourne | Adelaide | Perth | Hobart

Melbourne weather BoM radar
BoM synoptic chart
Satellite image

Melbourne's latest observations and forecast are provided by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Automatically updates every 10 minutes -

All observations are taken from the above link for the Melbourne (Olympic Park) automatic weather station (AWS) (station ID 086338) with the exception of wind direction and wind speed, which are taken from AWS Melbourne Airport (ID 086282).

The repackaging of its data is kindly allowed by the Bureau of Meteorology and the Bureau of Meteorology's copyright is acknowledged. However, the quality and timeliness of this site is my responsibility. If you experience any problems or spurious data issues please contact Simon Clarke. Please do not contact the Bureau of Meteorology about any problems with this site. Finally, thanks for visiting the site!

Upcoming Service Interruptions: None.